
merchantapi 1.3.0

Miva Merchant API SDK for NodeJS

This node library wraps the Miva Merchant JSON API introduced in Miva Merchant 9.12. It allows you to quickly integrate your node applications with a Miva Merchant store to fetch, create, and update store data.

For class documentation visit https://mivaecommerce.github.io/api-sdk-node/.

For additional documentation about the API visit https://docs.miva.com/json-api.


  • Miva Merchant 9.12+
  • NodeJS v10+
  • NPM


To install the SDK simply add it to your project package.json in the dependencies section.

"dependencies": {
    "merchantapi" : "1.3.0"

Then run npm install

Getting Started

For usage see the examples provided in the examples/ directory.


This library is licensed under the Miva SDK License Agreement.

See the LICENSE file for more information.